ELDOA Certification Program
The comprehensive ELDOA Certification Program is a 6 level curriculum that can be completed over 2-4 years. In each level you will learn the scientific theory of ELDOA, including relevant anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, tensegrity while emphasizing practical application of the ELDOA. The “learn by doing” hands on approach teaches students the necessary clinical application to form strong coaching principles and to develop the practical and visual cues along with mastering the factors of progression of the ELDOA to become a good ELDOAPractitioner.
In order to become a Certified ELDOA Trainer
In order to become a Certified ELDOA Trainer, students need to successfully complete and show competence of the content of Certification Levels 1, 2 and 3. A Student Practitioner is someone who is in the process of graduating and has not yet completed Certification Levels 1 to 3. A Certified ELDOA Trainer has completed all requirements for ELDOA 1 to 3. An alternative qualification path is available for those who have completed the the SomaTraining Program.

Student Practitioner Length of course: 2 days
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The most used ELDOA of the Spine.
ELDOA 1 program is designed for the student-practitioner with minimal or no formal training in the anatomy and biomechanics of the spine. ELDOA 1 is a two-day course, giving the student-practioner the foundation working principles of the ELDOA
It is the base for all other levels in the ELDOA program.
With the help of the course instructor participants will work in small groups to work out the exercise progressions for each spinal segment and coach each other on how to correctly apply each ELDOA. This way everyone learns to both do and coach the ELDOA.
- The History of the ELDOA
- Guy VOYER’s Educational Paradigm
- Philosophy of the complexity
- Tensegrity Biomechanics
- Relational anatomy (fasica)
- Learn by DoingWhat is a Spine
- Mobility vs. Stability
- Water is life
- Osteo-articular warm up
- What is an Intervertebral Disc?
- The General Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Spine
- The Medical Approach to Back Pain vs. the ELDOA
- The Philosophy of the ELDOA “You Are Your Own Best Therapist.”
- Techno-methodology and practice of ELDOA

The goal of ELDOA Level 1 is for the student to leave with anatomical and mechanical principals of the ELDOA while getting plenty of practical experience. So by the time you walk out of the class the last day, you will not only feel better and have an improved posture and awareness and the ELDOA’s to maintain it.
PREREQUISITE: There is no prerequisite for this course except the motivation to know how the body systems works and how ELDOA can optimize those functions
EXAM: There is no exam for this course
CERTIFICATION: Upon completion of this course a certification will be given. This Certification will allow the participant to announce themselves as an ELDOA Student Practitioner Level 1.
Student Practitioner Length of course: 3 days
COURSE DESCRIPTION: ELDOA of the Spine – Spinal Segments from L5/S1 to C2/C3
ELDOA Level 2 is a three-day course specific to the ELDOA exercises of the spine. The first day is a review of ELDOA 1, expanding upon key concepts from ELDOA 1 including the descriptive anatomy of the classic spine biomechanics. On Day 1 all the exercises from ELDOA 1 are reviewed. Days 2 and 3 feature the ELDOA exercises of the spine from the level of C2-3 to L5-S1.
A more in-depth level of the classic spine biomechanics and descriptive anatomy are taught. It expands on many of the key topics including, embryology, histology and water imbibitions and Factors of Progression.
Periodization, program design, and the theories of the ELDOA program are introduced. Level 2 includes ELDOA exercises from C2-3 to L5-S1
- The Philosophy of the ELDOA "You are your own best therapist"
- Back Pain: Treat the symptoms vs. ELDOA: Address the cause
- Description of General Anatomy
- Explanation of Classic Spine Biomechanics, Descriptive Anatomy and Cinesiology
- Functionality of the Spine Unit of Junghans and the roll of the Intervertebral Disc
- Introduction to the Dura Mater, Cerebra Spinal Fluid and Primary Respiratory Mechanics
- Physiology of Water at a cellular level: Intercellular vs. Extracellular
- Description of the Intervertebral Disc and its Biomechanics
- Techno-methodology and practice of ELDOA posture in practice from C2-C3 to L5-S1
- With the Teaching Principles expanded on for; Awareness, MFS, Lemniscate, Factors of progression

The goal of ELDOA Level 2 is for the student to leave with an in-depth level of anatomical, mechanical and tensegrity principals of the ELDOA while getting plenty of practical experience with all levels of the spine.
This will allow you to start to apply what you have learnt first with yourself and then with clients or patients to deliver amazing results
By the time you walk out of the class the last day, you will not only have an increased level of wellbeing and improved posture but are also capable of implements the ELDOA’s to yourself and have the working capacity to start practicing with your clients and patents and deliver amazing results
PREREQUISITE: Students have to complete ELDOA Level 1.
You are able to attend the course as an observer but will not be certified until taking Level 1
EXAM: There is no exam for this course
CERTIFICATION: Upon completion of this course a certification will be given. This Certification will allow the participant to announce themselves as an ELDOA Student Practitioner Level 2.
ELDOA 1 & 2 combination
Student Practitioner Length of course: 4 days
COURSE DESCRIPTION: ELDOA of the Spine – Spinal Segments from L5/S1 to C2/C3
Designed for those who already have an understanding of anatomy and biomechanics such as experienced trainers, pilates instructors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, medical doctors etc who want an intensive format.

Student Practitioner Length of course: 3 days
COURSE DESCRIPTION: ELDOA of the Hips, Shoulder, Ribcage, and Sternum
ELDOA Level 3 is the decoaptation for the Peripheral Joint, the coxo-femoral, shoulder complex, sternum and rib cage…
It reviews ELDOA 1 & 2.
The anatomy used is the classic descriptive anatomy of the aforementioned structures and classic biomechanics.
The ELDOA exercises taught include all the ELDOA for the coxo-femoral joint, the shoulder – all parts – the ribs and the sternum as well as a review of the ELDOA of the spine.
- Review of ELDOA Levels 1-2
- Descriptive Anatomy and classic Biomechanics of the hip
- Techno-methodology and practice of ELDOA Postures of the Hip
- Descriptive Anatomy and classic Biomechanics of the Shoulder complex
- Techno-methodology and practice of ELDOA Postures of the Shoulder complex
- Descriptive Anatomy of the Trunk and classic Biomechanics of the Ribcage and Sternum
- Techno-methodology and practice of ELDOA Postures for the Ribcage and Sternum
- Factors of Progression
- Fascia Overview
- Discuss the Importance of a Home Program

The goal of ELDOA Level 3 is for the student to leave with an in-depth level of anatomical, mechanical and tensegrity principals of the Peripheral Joints while getting plenty of practical experience . So by the time you walk out of the class the last day, you will not only feel better and have an improved posture, but are also capable of teaching it to your clients or patient the very next day and deliver amazing results
Length of course: 5 days
COURSE DESCRIPTION: ELDOA for the pelvis: The Sacroiliac joint and the pubic symphysis
ELDOA level 4 is taught in binomial:
➢ The theoretical part of 2 days online, is taught exclusively
by Guy VOYER, DO.
➢ The practical part of 3 days in class, is taught by instructors
certified by Guy VOYER DO, to date Justin Brien, Scott Herrera and Bryce Turner.
The first part of the seminar consists of:
• To answer any biomechanical or techno-methodology
questions related to the ELDOA classes in levels 1, 2 and 3, • To teach the relational anatomy of the pelvis, its container
and its content,
• To explain the tensegrity biomechanics of the pelvis in
relation to the rest of the spine,
• To describe the analytical biomechanics of the 22 main axes
of the pelvis,
• To analyze the diagnostic tests of the 22 axes of mobility of the pelvis.
The second part of the seminar covers mastery of diagnostic testing and mastery of specific ELDOA of all parts of the sacroiliac joint, sacrum, sacrococcygeal joint and symphysis pubis.
Prerequisite: Students must have completed ELDOA 1, 2 and 3 or have completed the SomaTraining program and be a graduated SomaTrainer.
For those who have not met these prerequisites, you may attend the course, but you will not be certified until you have completed Levels 1, 2 and 3 or completed the SomaTraining program.
At the end of this course, there is an exam covering the theoretical and practical parts of ELDOA 1,2 and 3. Upon successful completion of this exam, you will graduate as an ELDOA Trainer.
At the end of this course, those who want to teach ELDOA levels 1,2 and 3, can be certified by following the certification protocol supervised by Guy VOYER DO and Scott Herrera.

PREREQUISITE: Students have to complete ELDOA Level 1&2.
You are able to attend the course as an observer but will not be certified until taking Level 1 & 2
EXAM: There is no exam for this course
CERTIFICATION: Upon completion of this course a certification will be given. This Certification will allow the participant to announce themselves as an ELDOA Student Practitioner Level 3.
PREREQUISITE: Students have to complete ELDOA Level 1, 2 or 3 or have completed the Somatraining program
For those who haven’t completed the above prerequisites you are able to attend the course as an observer but will not be certified until taking Level 1, 2 and 3 or completing the Somatraining program.
EXAM: There is an exam for this course.
CERTIFICATION: Upon completion of this course a certification will be given. This Certification will allow the participant to advertise themselves as an
Certified ELDOA Trainer. This will allow you to start working with private clients or a class setting such as ELDOA group class, or work in conjunction with therapist. As many Certified ELDOA Trainer do.
- 5.1 is a 4 day course
- 5.2 is a 4 day course
- 5.3 is a 3 day course
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The goal of ELDOA 5 courses is to take the ELDOA Therapist from a foundational understanding of the spine taught in ELDOA 1-4 and to advance the working knowledge of what is happening in the world of spinal pathology and back pain. ELDOA Therapist must have an understanding of normal and abnormal spinal function and degenerative conditions
ELDOA Level 5 is organized into 3 courses, ELDOA 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 and is taught only by Guy VOYER, DO.

ELDOA Therapists need to have a thorough understanding of the anatomy, classic biomechanics, tensegritive biomechanics and orthopedic spinal disorders with respect to general spinal pathologies and back pain.
The teaching focusses on the specific causes of spinal pathologies and back pain. The spinal pathologies are discussed, compared and contrasted in order to correctly select and apply the respective ELDOA.
ELDOA 5.2 is a 4 day course: With surgery becoming more common-place people are looking beyond Western medicine to help relieve their spinal disease or back pain. An ELDOA Therapist isn’t a MD but needs to have a working knowledge of spinal pathologies.
- Mid and lower back pain, causes of mechanical back pain, Spondylolisthesis
- Back condition and treatment.
- Osteoporosis, Osteopenia and Osteoporosis.
- Herniated and Bulging Discs
- Diagnosis and causes of a herniated disc
- Risk factors
- Herniated Discs: Definition, Progression, and Diagnosis
- Herniated Disc Treatment
- Medications, Drugs and Spinal Injections for Herniated Discs,
- Discectomy
- Fusion
- Spinal Instrumentation: learn your options
- Role of bone graft in spinal fusion surgery
- Types of spinal fractures and symptoms of spinal fractures.
- What you need to know about sciatica
- Symptoms and causes, 6 leading causes of sciatica Symptoms and causes, 6 leading causes of sciatica
- Sleep well with back or neck painSleep well with back or neck pain
- Does cold weather make back and leg symptoms worse?
- Exams and Tests,
- X-Rays (Radiographs),
- CT Scan and CAT Scan
- Neurological Exams
- Bone Mineral Density (BMD)
- Discography Information,
- Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar
- Electromyography (EMG)
- Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) Tests
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Myelography (Myelogram)
- 3 ways to protect yourself from radiation from spinal imaging
- 3D spinal implants (A glimpse into the future)
- Spinal cancer: what you should know
- Understanding metastatic spine cancer and spinal tumors
- Symptoms of metastatic spine cancer and spinal tumor diagnosis,
- How Angiography fits in a spinal cancer treatment plan
- Symptoms of multiple myeloma in the spine
- How multiple myeloma of the spine is diagnosed
- Spinal Chondrosarcoma
- Paget’s disease
- Chordoma
- Understanding spinal osteosarcomas,
- Radiation therapy for metastatic spinal tumors
The goal of ELDOA Therapist 5 is to leave with an in-
depth level of anatomical, classic biomechaniacal, tensegrity biomechanics in relationship to spinal pathologies.
This knowledge will allow therapists to work within a gym setting, sports team setting, clinic etc., with all aspects of back pain, or performance from a certified ELDOA group class to one on one private sessions whether it be sport specific or for specific spinal pathologies.
ELDOA Level 6 is the top level of the ELDOA Program. Level 6 is a review of all 5 levels, but using tensegrity biomechanics. Specific adaptations of the classic postures taught in levels 1-5 will be discussed as well.
Level 6 is organized into two parts. Part one focuses on the tensegrity biomechanics and the techno-methodology. In the second part, practitioners will take an exam to prove their level of proficiency with the material followed by a graduation.
We invite you to enroll in this exciting program as we share with practitioners from around the world this most effective exercise tool and how it can help improve the quality of peoples lives